
POST GET contacts/activities

Get all contact activities by date range. When paging through results it is important to use static dates for startDate and endDate to ensure the data is consistent throughout the results. Data provided by this endpoint may be delayed.


POST contacts/delete

Delete an existing contact record.

Delete Groups

POST contacts/deleteGroups

Remove contact from the groups provided. ContactID or email is required.

Email History

POST GET contacts/getEmailHistory

Get emails sent to a single contact. ContactID or email is required.


POST GET contacts/getGroups

Get groups for a single contact. ContactID or email is required.


POST contacts/import

Save multiple contact records from a JSON array. All records in array must match in structure! The structure is defined by the first record. All records must contain an email address. Max of 1000 records at a time. Suppressed contact records cannot be unsuppressed through this endpoint.


POST GET contacts/lookup

Get full details for contacts by either contactID or email


POST contacts/save

Save a single contact record. ContactID or email is required. Only data for parameters passed in is saved.

Save Groups

POST contacts/saveGroups

Save groups for an existing contact. ContactID or email is required. By default, this call mirrors the functionality of /contacts/save when passing the "groupIDs" parameter. However, here you can include a "suppressed" flag per group which allows you to set group-level suppression.


POST GET contacts/search

Search contacts by various criteria