POST GET customFields/lookup

Get full details for a single custom field by systemName

* required


Name Type Description
systemName * string Internal name used to identify each custom field (customX)

Response Data

Returns a fully populated custom field object
Name Type Description
dataType object Information about the field's data type
description string Description of the data type
label string Name of the data type. One of: Text, Numeric, Money, Date, True/False
label string Read-only, friendly name. Used for display purposes only.
maxLength string Maximum number of characters that can be stored in the field
systemName string Internal name used to identify each custom field (customX)
variable string Variable used to refer to field in emails/landing pages. e.g. $$custom10


Method requires the Client admin permission

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!
Param Value Type Description
systemName * string Internal name used to identify each custom field (customX)
Access token: *