POST groups/save

Add/update a single group record. Dynamic groups cannot be created through the API.

* required


Name Type Description
groupID integer Unique ID of a group
groupName string Name of group. Must be unique
status string One of: Active, Archived. Archived groups are hidden by default.
Active, Archived
protected boolean Protected groups cannot be archived or deleted. Groups that are populated from external sources should be marked as protected.
description string Description of group. Displayed to contacts on preferences page.
friendlyName string Name displayed to contacts on preferences page. Defaults to groupName
private boolean Do not display this group on contact preferences page
userIDs array[integer] Users who have access to this group
notes string Extra information about group. For internal use only.
externalID string ID of record in client system

Response Data

Returns a fully populated group object
Name Type Description
activeMembers integer Number of active (not held/suppressed) contacts in group
autoResponseEmailID integer ID of email contacts will receive when added to group
dateAdded datetime Date record was added
dateLastEmailSent datetime Date group was last sent an email
dateModified datetime Date record was modified
description string Description of group. Displayed to contacts on preferences page.
externalID string ID of record in client system
friendlyName string Name displayed to contacts on preferences page. Defaults to groupName
groupID integer Unique ID of a group
groupName string Name of group. Must be unique
notes string Extra information about group. For internal use only.
private boolean Do not display this group on contact preferences page
protected boolean Protected groups cannot be archived or deleted. Groups that are populated from external sources should be marked as protected.
sendTests boolean Group can be used for sending test emails
status string One of: Active, Archived. Archived groups are hidden by default.
totalMembers integer Total number of contacts in group
type string One of: Static, Dynamic. Dynamic groups cannot have contacts added to them because their members are determined by a query.
userID integer ID of system user group belongs to
userIDs array[integer] Users who have access to this group


Method requires the Create Groups permission

Example Calls

Create new group

New groups must have a unique groupName. Other parameters are optional.

Response Data

Update single group property

Updates can pass in just the changes

Response Data

Update group using object

Updates can pass in a fully populated group object. A group object can be obtained by calling groups/lookup. They are also returned after a save operation.

Response Data

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!
Request Body
Access token: *