POST GET socialMessages/search

Search social messages by various criteria

* required


Name Type Description
status array[string] Search social messages by one or more delivery statuses
Draft, Sent, Scheduled, In Progress
campaignID integer Search social messages by campaign
linkedAccountID integer Search social messages by linked account
dateSentStart datetime Search social messages sent on or after this date
dateSentEnd datetime Search social messages sent on or before this date
page integer Number of page in results to return
rpp integer Number of records to return per page
sortField string The field to sort results by
messageID, dateAdded, dateModified, dateSent
sortDirection string The direction to sort results
asc, desc

Response Data

Name Type Description
content object
image string URL of image included in the social message
link string Link used in the social message
linkDescription string Description of the link used in the social message
linkTitle string Title of the link used in the social message
message string Content of the social message
dateAdded datetime Date the social message was added
dateModified datetime Date the social message was modified
dateScheduled datetime Date the social message was scheduled to be sent
dateSent datetime Date the social message was sent
external boolean When true, indicates that the social message did not originate from its linked account in the emfluence Marketing Platform
externalMessageID string ID of social message in its respective social channel
linkedAccountID integer ID of the linked account the social message belongs to
messageID integer Unique ID of the social message
metrics object Metrics are only available for social messages with a status of "Sent". Some metrics are channel-specific. Note that metrics data may be delayed.
audience integer Estimated number of followers of the social message's account at the time it was sent
clicks integer Number of clicks. Available for X/Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.
comments integer Number of comments. Available for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
impressions integer Number of times the social message was viewed. Available for X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
likes integer Number of likes. Available for X/Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
reach integer Number of people who viewed the social message. Available for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.
reactions integer Number of reactions. Available for Facebook.
retweets integer Number of retweets. Available for X/Twitter.
shares integer Number of shares. Available for Facebook, LinkedIn.
permalink string URL to the social message in its respective social channel's web application
source string Application the social message originated from
status string Delivery status of the social message. One of: Draft, Sent, Scheduled, In Progress
title string Used for display purposes only
userID integer ID of system user the social message belongs to

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!