POST GET templates/lookup

Get full details for email templates

* required


Name Type Description
templateID integer Unique ID of a template
templateIDs array[integer] Multiple templateIDs. Requests that use this parameter will change the response data from a single object to an array of objects.

Response Data

Returns a fully populated template object, or an array of template objects if looking up multiple templateIDs
Name Type Description
dateAdded datetime
dateModified datetime
defaults object Default properties applied to all emails that use this template
bccAddress string
clickTrackingEnabled boolean
fromAddress string
fromName string
replyToAddress string
replyToName string
subject string
title string
viewTrackingEnabled boolean
editableSlots string Number of editable slots in template
htmlHeadEditable boolean Template allows <head> content of HTML version to be edited
htmlVersion string HTML version of template
overrideApprovalProcess boolean Emails created from this template will not require approval, overriding account-level settings for email approvals
previewHTML string Deprecated - use htmlVersion property. HTML version of template with placeholders for editable slots
templateID integer Unique ID of an email template
templateName string Descriptive name of template
textVersion string Text version of template
thumbnail string URL to thumbnail image
type string HTML or Text. HTML templates can have both an htmlVersion and a textVersion
userIDs array[integer] Users who have access to send emails using this template

Example Calls

Lookup template by ID

Response Data

Lookup multiple templates by array of templateIDs

Response Data

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!
Param Value Type Description
templateID integer Unique ID of a template
templateIDs array[integer] Multiple templateIDs. Requests that use this parameter will change the response data from a single object to an array of objects.
Access token: *