POST GET emails/search

Search emails by various criteria.

* required


Name Type Description
deliveryType string All searches are filtered by delivery type
manual, automated, transactional
status array[string] Status only applies when deliveryType is "manual". Ignored for all other deliveryTypes.
draft, scheduled, sent
automatedResults string AutomatedResults only applies when deliveryType is "automated". Ignored for all other deliveryTypes. Searching by "summary" will return aggregated results for each automated email. Searching by "detail" will return results for each individual send.
summary, detail
userID integer ID of system user email belongs to
title string Searches title field. Use * as a wildcard.
subject string Searches subject field. Use * as a wildcard.
dateSentStart datetime Emails sent since this date. Defaults to 6 months ago.
dateSentEnd datetime Emails sent before this date. Defaults to current date.
emailIDs array[integer] Search by emailID (multiples allowed)
parentEmailID integer Search by parentEmailID to return the individual sends of an automated or A/B split email.
transactionalCategory string Search by transactionalCategory. Only valid when deliveryType is "transactional".
campaignID integer Emails assigned to a specific campaign
page integer Number of page in results to return
rpp integer Number of records to return per page
sortField string The field to sort results by. Default sorting depends on the "status". Sent emails are sorted by dateSent desc (most recently sent first). Scheduled and Draft are sorted by dateAdded desc (newest first).
emailID, userID, title, subject, dateAdded, dateModified, dateSent
sortDirection string The direction to sort results
asc, desc

Response Data

Name Type Description
emailID integer Unique ID of email
deliveryType string How email gets delivered. One of: Manual, Automated, Transactional
status string Current status of email delivery. One of: Draft, Sent, Scheduled
templateID integer ID of template used by email. Set htmlVersionEditable property to true to provide full HTML Version without using a template
userID integer ID of system user email belongs to
subject string Subject of email
title string Title of email (for internal use)
fromName string Name used in From header
fromAddress string Email address used in From header
replyToName string Name used in Reply-to header
replyToAddress string Email address used in Reply-to header
dateAdded datetime Date record was added
dateModified datetime Date record was modified
dateSent datetime Date email was sent
metrics object Summary deliverability metrics
bounces integer Total number of bounces
clickToViewRate decimal Percentage of unique contacts who viewed the email and also clicked (unique views / unique clicks)
clicks integer Total number of clicks
complaints integer Total number of spam complaints
forwards integer Total number of forwards (forward-to-friend)
recipients integer Total email recipients
sendingIssues integer Total number of sending issues
shares integer Total number of shares
uniqueClicks integer Unique contacts that clicked a link
uniqueForwards integer Unique contacts that forwarded email
uniqueShares integer Unique contacts that shared email
uniqueViews integer Unique contacts that viewed email
uniqueWebViews integer Unique contacts that viewed as a web page
unsubscribes integer Total number of unsubscribes
views integer Total number of views
webViews integer Total number of web views
schedule object
confirmed boolean Is schedule delivery confirmed?
dateScheduled datetime Date/time of scheduled delivery
parentEmailID integer ID of parent email record
abSplitID integer ID of A/B split
campaignIDs array[integer] Campaigns the email is assigned to

Example Calls

Sent in past 30 days

Response Data

Scheduled sends

Response Data

Automated Emails - Summary

Returns aggregated results for each automated email. See previous examples for sample response data.


Automated Emails - Detail

Returns individual results for each automated email send. See previous examples for sample response data.


API Console

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