How To: Build email content Send marketing emails Send transactional emails Send automated emails

Cancel Schedule

POST emails/cancelSchedule

Cancel a scheduled email send


POST emails/copy

Create a copy an existing email and return it as a draft


POST emails/delete

Delete an existing email. Deleting a sent email will throw an error.

Activity Log

POST GET emails/getActivityLog

Get log of activity for a given email (who, what, when)


POST GET emails/lookup

Get full details for emails, including high-level deliverability metrics (for sent emails)


POST emails/save

Save content and header information for an email. Can pass an email object (i.e. response from /emails/lookup) or just key/value pairs.


POST emails/schedule

Schedule future delivery of a one-time email send. Equivalent to "sending" a scheduled email. Email must be ready to send.


POST GET emails/search

Search emails by various criteria.


POST emails/send

Send an existing email to its assigned recipients. The email must first be created using /emails/save. Once an email is sent, it cannot be modified in any way, but it can be copied to a new draft.

Send Test

POST emails/sendTest

Send a test of an existing email to a single recipient.

Send Transactional

POST emails/sendTransactional

Send a transactional email to a limited number of contacts in a single call. Transactional emails contain information that completes a transaction or process the recipient has started with you. This endpoint should never be used to send marketing emails. To include suppressed contacts, be sure to use the ignoreContactSuppression flag. NOTE: This endpoint must be enabled for your account before use. Please contact support for access.

Transactional Categories

POST GET emails/transactionalCategories

Get all transactional categories