POST GET exports/emailBounces

Get bounce data across email campaigns. Date range cannot span more than 90 days.

* required


Name Type Description
startDate * datetime Bounces after this date
endDate * datetime Bounces before this date
fields string Comma-separated list of fields to return. Available fields: id, emailID, parentEmailID, dateBounced, bounceType, contactID, email
id, emailID, dateBounced, bounceType, contactID, email

Response Data

Name Type Description
jobID integer ID of export job. Use to check the status of the job at /exports/jobStatus


Method requires the Client admin permission

Example Calls

Bounces in past 30 days

Response Data

Report Columns

Name Type Description
id integer Unique ID of bounce record
emailID integer ID of email record
parentEmailID integer ID of parent email record
dateBounced datetime Date bounce was logged
bounceType string HB for hard bounce, SB for soft bounce
contactID integer ID of contact record
email string Email address of contact record

Sample Report

"id"	"emailID"	"dateBounced"	"bounceType"	"contactID"	"email"
"9541680"	"123456"	"2011-04-29 02:55:56.067"	"HB"	"23680474"	""
"9541681"	"123456"	"2011-04-29 02:55:56.237"	"HB"	"23680475"	""
"9974872"	"123456"	"2011-09-25 22:38:26.18"	"HB"	"25632219"	""
"9979038"	"123456"	"2011-09-28 14:02:40.73"	"SB"	"25647523"	""

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!
Param Value Type Description
startDate * datetime Bounces after this date
endDate * datetime Bounces before this date
fields string Comma-separated list of fields to return. Available fields: id, emailID, parentEmailID, dateBounced, bounceType, contactID, email
id, emailID, dateBounced, bounceType, contactID, email
Access token: *