POST GET exports/emails

Get all metrics for sent emails. Date range cannot span more than 90 days.

* required


Name Type Description
startDate * datetime Emails sent after this date
endDate * datetime Emails sent before this date

Response Data

Name Type Description
jobID integer ID of export job. Use to check the status of the job at /exports/jobStatus


Method requires the Client admin permission

Example Calls

Emails sent in past 30 days

Response Data

Report Columns

Name Type Description
emailID integer ID of email record
deliveryTypeID integer How email was sent. 1=Manual, 2=Scheduled, 4=Automated (recurring).
userID integer ID of user that sent email
parentEmailID integer ID of parent record (for Automated emails)
title string Internal description of email
subject string Subject of email
dateSent datetime Date email was sent (will be blank for parent Automated emails)
recipients integer Number of contacts email was sent to
views integer Total number of contacts that viewed (opened) the email
uniqueViews integer Unique number of contacts that viewed (opened) the email (i.e. one per contact max)
clicks integer Total number of contacts that clicked a link in the email
uniqueClicks integer Unique number of contacts that clicked a link in the email (i.e. one per contact max)
bounces integer Total number of bounces of any type
unsubscribes integer Total number of unsubscribes (opt-outs)
complaints integer Total number of spam complaints
shares integer Total number of times the email was shared when viewing as a web page
forwards integer Total number of times the email was forwarded to a friend
webViews integer Total number of contacts that viewed the email as a web page

Sample Report

"emailID"	"deliveryTypeID"	"userID"	"parentEmailID"	"title"	"subject"	"dateSent"	"recipients"	"views"	"uniqueViews"	"clicks"	"uniqueClicks"	"bounces"	"unsubscribes"	"complaints"	"shares"	"forwards"	"webViews"
"981854"	"1"	"12345"	""	"Monthly Newsletter"	"This Month's News"	"2012-06-23 03:30:00.0"	"2"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"
"981564"	"1"	"12345"	""	"Product Update"	"Have you heard about our new widget?"	"2012-06-18 04:01:00.0"	"4"	"13"	"4"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"	"0"

API Console

The console uses production data, so BE CAREFUL!
Param Value Type Description
startDate * datetime Emails sent after this date
endDate * datetime Emails sent before this date
Access token: *